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Stop Procrastinating TODAY

Many of you that know me, think that my middle name is Lynn. Well, actually it’s Procrastination. I literally wait until the last minute to start things, and then I wonder why I’m so fucking stressed 24/7.

I’m not as bad anymore, but from time to time I do still find myself waiting until the very last minute to start something that has a deadline quickly approaching.

It happens to the best of us, and you know what’s even more frustrating?! HOW we procrastinate and WHAT we procrastinate differs from person to person, so there really is no cookie-cutter solution. However, there are some simple things we can do starting NOW (seriously, don’t procrastinate to stop procrastinating).

If you’re on the road to #GettingThingsDone, here are a few simple tips to help get you started.

Take a few minutes out of your day to make a list.

Grab a blank piece of paper and write out what needs to be done tomorrow. Try and write things down in order of importance.

Do at least ONE of those things on your list.

If you can start AND complete at least ONE of the things you wrote down, you will go to bed feeling accomplished. Once that amazing feeling sets in, you’ll want to do more and more.

Pick a time (TODAY) to actually work on the list.

The number one problem with procrastinators, they tend to put things off they want to accomplish - including ENDING procrastination. Pick a time today and start that list for tomorrow.

You’re not perfect - so stop trying to be.

It’s ok if you do not complete what’s on your list. There are only so many hours in a day. If you read my second tip in the blog, then you already know that by just doing one thing on your list, you’re already accomplishing so much.

Little by little you’ll start to feel more motivated to get things done. Once you do, I honestly can guarantee that you will feel less stressed, you’ll sleep better, and you’ll wake up ready to take on the day and kick its ass.

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